Yesterday I mentioned a frustration I was having with Googly Analytics default channel groupings apparently being calculated incorrectly on Google's reports. I was following their exact criteria for calculating the groupings, and they weren't matching with that Google displayed. (I have to bucketize the channels myself even though Google already does because they don't expose channel through their API, grr).
After looking at it some more, I think it's due to AdWords. It's possible to link an Analytics account with an AdWords account. I suspect (but can't confirm yet) that if that link were present, then the two fields "ad distribution network" and "ad format" would possibly be set. They're always "(not set)" right now, and those fields are part of the criteria we use to bucketize the channels.
It's possible that Google knows the ad distribution network and ad format from AdWords, even though the accounts aren't linked, and that they're using that to group the channels, and that even though they do this and know the AdWords values, that they still show us "(not set)" for the AdWords values, which causes us to group our channels into different buckets.
Please quit being evil, googly.
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